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Our Insurance Services

Life Insurance

Life insurance helps give your family financial protection should you pass away within the policy term. It lets you leave a lump sum behind – helping your loved ones maintain their living standards or pay mortgage costs.

We offer free intial consultations for Life Insurance, you can speak to us about the right cover, and your budget. 

We aim to provide peace of mind for you and your family.

Critical Illness Cover

Critical Illness insurance is a protection policy that helps protect you if you become critically ill during the policy term. It pays out a tax-free lump sum that you can use however you like – whether that’s to help cover health-related costs, monthly expenses, or lost income while you get better.

We offer free intial consultations to discuss Critical Illness cover, you can speak to us about the right cover, and your budget. 

We aim to provide peace of mind for you and your family.

Income Protection

Income Protecyion is an insurance policy that can help support you with a monthly payment if you’re ill or injured and can’t work. It pays a proportion of your lost earnings, which could help cover your monthly outgoings. So you’re able to focus more on getting better and back to work.

We offer free intial consultations to discuss Income Protection, you can speak to us about the right cover, and your budget. 

We aim to provide peace of mind for you and your family.

Relevant Life

Relevant Life Cover allows employers to offer a death-in-service benefit to employees (including salaried directors). It’s a tax-efficient life insurance policy – paying out a tax-free lump sum on death or diagnosis of a terminal illness.

We offer free intial consultations to discuss Relevant Life cover, you can speak to us about the right cover, and your budget. 

We aim to provide peace of mind for you, your buiness and your family.

Shareholder Protection

Shareholder protection allows business owners to buy shares back from any partner who is diagnosed with a critical or terminal illness, or dies. This policy helps surviving owners stay in control and minimises disruption to the business.

Dealing with ownership in a company can be difficult in the event of an untimely death or illness.

A shareholder arrangement sets out how the shares should be valued and gives the surviving shareholders the right to buy the shares, or the outgoing shareholder the right to sell.

We offer free intial consultations to discuss Relevant Life cover, you can speak to us about the right cover, and your budget. 

We aim to provide peace of mind for you, your buiness and your family.

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Key Person Cover

A key person is any member of staff who has a direct impact on the business’s profits. They could be a business owner, director or any employee with specialist skills. Key Person cover is life insurance taken out by a business on the life of a crucial person in the business. It can include critical illness cover. The policy is paid directly to the company or partners.

We offer free intial consultations to discuss Relevant Life cover, you can speak to us about the right cover, and your budget. 

We aim to provide peace of mind for you, your buiness and your family.

Business Protection Info

Protection (Insurance)

Protection (Insurance) is the foundation of all financial planning. Whatever your need is- be it business, family, income, whole of life or mortgage protection we can advise you. 


Protection advice is provided alongside any recommendation we make, ensuring that you are prepared to take care of your family should the worst ever happen.


If you have plans in place and aren't sure whether they meet your needs we can review your current cover.


All initial discussions and research will be provided free, and if you do go ahead with a policy we have recommended we get paid commission from the insurance provider.


Remember you are your biggest asset.

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Estate planning, inheritance taxation advice, Employee Benefits and Tax Planning are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Tax treatment varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change.

Your protection questions.

Below are questions that we get asked regularly by clients, we hope the answers help find what you need, if not give us a call, and we will happily help guide you in the right direction.
  • Is the protection I have in place appropriate?

    Insurance is about protecting yourself, your family and your assets including your business.

    It's thinking about what you have, and whether it is protected.

    For example- you have a mortgage of £145,000 that has 27 years left until it is paid off.

    If you were to die, how would your surviving spouse pay that liability.

    The main points to consider are:

    - If you were to die what liabilities would be left and who would have to pay for that.

    - If you were to get injured or seriously ill and you couldn't work/earn money, how would that shortfall be covered?

    - If you weren't around how would your business survive?

    If you aren't sure if you have the right protection in place, please do get in touch, we will have a chat with you about your lifestyle, look at your current plans, and provide a report as to what the ideal cover would be.

    The cost of the above is nothing, we work on a free initial advice basis.

  • Should I not just use a comparison site- they are cheaper right?

    Comparison sites are quick, easy and convenient so a lot of people obtain insurance this way.

    They can be a cheap option.

    However, consider this:

    When you go on to a comparison site, how many questions are you asked? 10 -15 maybe.

    How can that automated system really understand you and your needs?

    Insurance isn't one size fits all, and often that is what you get through comparison sites.

    Through experience and a proven process, we can provide quotes on cover that meets your specific need.

    Like comparison sites, you don't pay us anything to discuss your needs and to obtain a recommendation.

    The only charge is your policies premiums, which will include the commision we receive directly from the recommended insurer.

    If you'd prefer a tailor made solution, get in touch, we'd happily look at your needs and provide you with what we feel is the right cover for you, your family and your business.

  • Can I provide insurance for my employees?

    In short- Yes.

    A lot of employers provide Group Life and Group Critical Illness for their employees.

    Group Life cover plays a role in attracting and retaining staff, as it clearly demonstrates a business's commitment and care to employees.

    Generally premiums are affordable and are paid for by the business and therefore attract tax benefits.

    If this is a benefit you are thinking of providing for your valued employees then get in touch and  we can explain how to put this place.

  • How much does it cost to review my protection?

    To review your protection with us there is no cost.

    We will look at your current cover, and your personal circumstances, then present you with our recommendation.

    The only cost to you is the premiums that you pay on any cover that you want to go ahead with.

    We get paid directly from the insurance provider.

    If you don't want to go ahead with our recommendation then there is no charge.

    All you have got to lose is a bit of your time!  

  • I'm single, why would I need cover?

    Most people obtain things like life insurance to financially assist their surviving family if they were to die

    We often speak to single clients who are of the opinion that they don't need insurance, because if they were to die then their liabilities would die with them.

    We generally advise single clients to consider cover such as Income Protection.

    How it works is this:

    You have a mortgage and bills, and you can meet those expenses whilst you are working. If you were to become ill and unable to work, then how would you continue to pay those bills?

    With income protection, you pay a premium each month. If you get ill or injured and you can't work, then you can claim on your Income Protection policy.

    After a short period of time, this policy will pay you an income for the period of time that you need it.

    If you think that you may need Income Protection, give us a call and we will happily discuss this with you.

  • I have health issues, does that mean I can't get insurance?

    You may have applied for insurance online and been declined because of health issues that you have.

    We have access to insurance providers that will accept applications from clients with ongoing health issues.

    We know which providers to approach and how your health condition may effect your monthly premiums.

    It is worth a chat with us, the insurance market can be complicated and using our expertise can save you time searching for the right provider, let us do the leg work for you.

    Even better, there is no cost to you for our initial research or the application.

    We get paid directly from the insurance provider, so you can explore your insurance options without worrying about incurring a large charge!

Download one of our factsheets to find out more information.
Protection Information
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