We are proud to be associates of resolution
By FCA regulation and good practice, we ask every client we see whether they have a Will in place, and if they don't we strongly advice that they do.
We don't offer Will advice in house so need trusted partners to refer our clients to.
We support family solicitors with various aspects of financial remedy proceedings and negotations.
There may be nuances of client pensions that you aren't qualified to advise on, we can assist in helping your clients make the right decisions for their circumstance.
Tax year end comes round so quickly doesn't it?
We can help advise your clients on how to gain tax relief through pension contributions, or how to make their profits work for them.
We advise a number of our clients alongside their accountants on an annual basis, to ensure they are making the right decisions.
The Financial Conduct Authority do not regulate will writing.
Will writing is not part of the Quilter Financial Planning offering and is offered in our own right.
Our advice areas